I want his courage in the face of fear.
I want his strength in times of trial.
I want his positive attitude when challenges lie ahead.

A word cloud representation showing some of the challenges Witt has faced
Wednesday marks the 11th anniversary of Witt’s heart transplant. I look back on those years and see a boy that has courageously faced things in his eleven years that terrify me. I see a boy that has accepted every trial that he’s encountered in life and tackled them all. I see a boy that is beginning to see the challenges in store for him but chooses to meet them head on with a positive attitude.
I will never be as brave as him, as strong as him, or demonstrate the positive outlook that he lives by every day. But once again, for the 10th Annual Witt’s Warriors Challenge, I will honor him and challenge myself to be a little more like him.
These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world. John 16:33